Collection: Tanaina Elementary
Looking for your Tanaina Elementary School swag... look no further. Short and Long sleeve T's, Performance Hoodies, etc... We got you covered!!
For the folks at Tanaina, we will send all orders to the school for biweekly pickups. Please enter the discount code provided by the office so you will not be charged for shipping at checkout.
Also, feel free to add any Product we offer when placing a Tanaina order. We will add it to the biweekly drop off with the rest of your order at no extra cost.
Note: We will not be doing Returns or Exchanges on these items. Items have been left at the School Office for you to view. Please make sure you take the time to verify the items are the ones you want and you order the correct size accordingly before you place your order. If you have any questions please contact us before submitting your order. Thank You.